Sunday, April 22, 2012

Holy Keebler Elves! (or How I Finally Found a Use for Pinterest)

Do you have any idea what's lurking in your pantry?  Or am I the only one who is a disorganized mess?

My pantry (and actually several other kitchen cabinets) is a complete mess.  Today I set out to start organizing it.  And in the process...FINALLY FIGURED OUT THE USEFULNESS OF PINTEREST!

You may have caught on by now that I don't have the foggiest clue how to do most domestic skills.  And I have little patience for reading instructions.  So NOW I get Pinterest!  One skill I am good at is killing time on the internet.  I did a little search on that creepy Pinterest site and voila - I found a whole lot of ideas for taming my pantry in pictures.  Perfect!

I got a few things from The Container Store, and still waiting on a few to arrive since they were on backorder.  Now I've started the sorting process.

Holy Keebler Elves!  Their factory has either moved into my pantry, or we really like crackers.  In the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, this household will survive possibly years on the amount of crackers found in my pantry today.  That, and soup...all varieties of soup.

I forgot to take pictures of the disaster area before I started anything, but you can still get the idea of what I mess I am.  If the finished project is suitable for sharing, I'll update a bit later.

In the meantime, am I the only one who is this big of a disaster or do some of you have surprises lurking in your pantry?

About 1/3 through sorting...

Soup, anyone?

We have go with the soup of course.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Living Room Skirmish

Our daycare provider is traveling over the Easter weekend, so I get to spend some extra time with Scarlett.  The first order of business was to take a trip to the park.  She loves the swings...

...and the slide

...and just generally being outside.

The next order of business was to clean house.  My parents are coming for a weekend visit and my living room looks like an army of Little People has conquered it.  Today I intend to take back my living room.

After breakfast, I started in on the kitchen, and moved my way into to the living room, which is littered with toys, and books, that a half-eaten cracker?

I gather things up.  I put toys in the box, half-eaten crackers in the trash.  I make pretty good progress and then I turn around....

And everything has been pulled back out.

Well played, Scarlett Avery...well played.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Good Start

With the help of tracking everything in My Fitness Pal and a well-planned grocery store trip, I was able to lose 4 pounds in a little less than a week.  I didn't exercise much, but got in what I could.  I'm still plugging away at C25K.

Weekends are always a challenge.  We're going to a hockey game tonight so I'm trying to plan around that.

I'm using the guidance on My Fitness Pal for daily calorie goals to lose 2 pounds per week.  That's about 1200 calories per day.  And it's extremely difficult.  If I exercise, I can have more calories to support what I burn.  I may wind up dropping back to aiming to lose 1 pound per week.  Hey, this girl likes to eat.