Sunday, May 27, 2012

Let's Dust This Off

This blog has gotten a bit dusty, hasn't it?

Like so many other people, my world has been incredibly busy, school, kiddo, travel, the usual.  I've had many thoughts, topics, and recent events lately to blog about, but just didn't have the time to write.

I still don't have a lot of time to pontificate or expound or regale you with tales of the mundane (I can, however, try to impress you with big words), but here are a few of the recent things that have crossed my mind lately...

I just spent a week on the Texas coast with my family.  We haven't taken a vacation in over 3 years.  I made a solemn vow to never let that happen again.

I tried hot vinyasa yoga and loved it!  Now I'm obsessed with finding a studio to practice more and think I found one.

I finished the C25K program.  It took me 12 weeks to complete an 8 week program...but still, I finished it.   I am still incredibly slow.

Being a patient in the healthcare system is scary.

I wasn't aware that parenting had become an extreme competitive sport.  ("Are You Mom Enough?"  Really???)

Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, is hysterical and I love her book Let's Pretend This Never Happened.

I am about to start another semester of grad school, and I really have no idea why, other than I feel a need to finish my MPA degree.

I've taken a new project at work that I'd really like to write about, which pretty much goes against what I said I said I would never write about in a blog.  (For those of you who know me, yes...I could write some very entertaining and even educational stories that are work-related, but have made a conscious effort not to.  Oh the dilemma.)

Oh...and one last husband confessed that the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz have freaked him out since he first saw it as a kid and he's not a fan of my Flying Monkey Security guard.  I guess I need to find him a new home.

Happy summer!

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